谢大 曼大 利物浦 利兹的研究生音乐管理专业设有哪些课程 好毕业吗
老人你好 谢大 曼大 利物浦 利兹的研究生音乐管理专业设有哪些课程 好毕业吗
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- 2016-02-24 22:34
- 1个回答
这个嘛,你可以自己到大学网站看看的哈,我帮你看一下Sheffield谢菲尔德大学,MA Music Management的course content主要是这些,(课程链接页面:) •Music Management: Environments
•Introduction to the Creative and Cultural Industries (CCI)
•Cultural marketing
•Accounting and Financial Management
•Research Methods
•Music Management: Planning
•Music Management: Events
•Cultural leadership and management
•Sponsorship, philanthropy and state-funding mechanisms for culture in society
•Managing creative brands
•Arts fairs, festivals and exhibitions
•Heritage, Place and Community
曼大和利兹大学的网址分别是www.man.ac.uk www.leeds.ac.uk 至于毕业的问题,因人而异吧,其实英语能力真的很重要,懂吧?
2016-02-25 01:07